
Building for the Future

Coronavirus has changed how we work, how we educate our kids, how we socialize with friends and nearly every other aspect of our lives. For the many small businesses and small business owners, these changes have been difficult. Restaurants are closing or having to adapt to carry out and reduced capacities. Gyms and fitness centers require masks, constant cleaning and even plastic bubbles for our workouts. All of us are working from home and dealing with the new challenges that come with that. We have traded in-person meetings for Zoom calls, webinars and virtual training. We are making some progress, aided no doubt by the fact that toilet paper is back on the store shelves.

In this environment, it would be easy to say that the apocalypse has arrived and we should prepare for the downfall of civilization. But these changes also bring new opportunities. Working from home means we get to spend more time with our family. We have taken more time to get outside and enjoy the local parks, walking paths, trails and the many amazing natural wonders all around us. Our work has changed too. The shock to the system made us evaluate our daily activities and how we could use technology to work more efficiently. The world is changing and lots of new opportunities are arising to take the place of things that have not survived the pandemic.

One of my favorite parts of being a small business owner is the ability to try new things and use new systems to create a better client experience in working with my firm. Throughout the changes, my commitment to providing excellent legal services to clients has never wavered. The new practice areas, the strategic deployment of technology, the use of new instruments and other changes to the business are always designed to make your experience with my firm better.

You are going to see several changes coming to our website and service offerings over the next few months. These changes will allow us to continue to provide the high quality legal services you expect from our firm as the environment changes around us. We look forward to these new opportunities and new ways to serve. In the meantime, please feel free to call or contact us if you have questions or need help with a legal matter.

Stay safe and healthy and make sure to spend time with your family and friends.

Thank you!

Getting Your Estate Plan Done is Easier than You Think

Our estate planning process begins with a free Estate Strategy Session Consultation. The consultation will answer your questions and qualify you for our complementary Estate Strategy Session. Before the Session, you will complete an online, guided interview that will help you collect the information we need. We make the process fast, easy and secure.

During the Session, your attorney will guide you through what would happen to the people you love and your wealth should anything happen to you. Then we will create a plan together to make sure everything goes the way you want. You can control your future and do things today that will help your family during one of their most emotional and difficult moments. They will always know how much you cared about them and will be relieved of many of the difficult choices they would have otherwise been forced to make.

At Kinney Law Office, we see the signing of your estate planning documents as just the beginning of our relationship with your family. As your situation changes, your estate plan should change too. Call or click to see if you qualify for a complementary Estate Strategy Session today!

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